The 100 Sponsors Email Brigade

the100theories: the100theories: lgbtfansdeservebetter: The message: This isn’t about a ship. This isn’t about a single character. This is about a pattern of behavior. Tell them you’re not okay with them supporting a network, a show, and a showrunner that have a long history of mistreating their LGBT+ and POC characters. Make it about the overall… Continue reading The 100 Sponsors Email Brigade



is a blog meant to act as a network for mcu fans of color, created in
response to insidious white savior fandom mentalities. we seek to make a
safe space in fandom by

  • showcasing fanart, fanfiction, and other fanworks by people of color
  • showcasing meta and headcanons by fans of color
  • offering a space for fans of color to vent about treatment in fandom
  • discussing issues of race and representation with regards to both canon materials and fandom issues
  • eventually offering challenges and trades for mcu fans of color

if you’re a stevebucky fan of color, we’d love to have you following!

White friends, please read these from women of color

loudlysilent: Some Thoughts on the Few Women of Color in “The Force Awakens” by @b-u-l-a-n-o Here’s what happens when you call out white feminists by @chescaleigh Black women are told they’re “mean” by white women. Why? Read it all the way up and down. By @smashfizzle


Big Hair, Don’t Care (2013)

“Lola has really really REALLY big hair, much bigger than the other kids at her school, but that doesn’t stop her from telling anyone who will listen just how much she LOVES her hair! It´s not always easy being a kid. 

Designed to boost self-esteem and build confidence, this beautifully illustrated picture book is aimed at boys and girls who may need a reminder from time to time that it’s okay to look different from the other kids at their school.“

Story: Crystal Swain-Bates, art: Megan Bair

Get it now here

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