If you’re pissed about Marvel neglecting Clint Barton’s deafness in the comics and making him a “normal hearing person” in the movies then reblog.

jdrox: satan-has-assended: crashthefandoms: Seems like barely anyone even cares about the clear and blatant ableism in the movies My cousin is 75% deaf and losing what he has rapidly. He’s also 7 years old. I remember the day he came up to me with his flurry of hands and slurred speech because everyone was buying… Continue reading If you’re pissed about Marvel neglecting Clint Barton’s deafness in the comics and making him a “normal hearing person” in the movies then reblog.

foureyedfreezy: When a show or movie has a female lead, criticism is not “misogyny”. I’ve seen how progressive Supergirl, Jessica Jones, and Agent Carter are, but they all have the same problem: lack of intersectionality.  The superhero genre has a problem with women who aren’t thin, white, and cisgendered. Female-led shows generally fall for this… Continue reading

Marvel Casts Michael Barbieri as Ganke in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ | Inverse









@ marvel explain

stop this

here they go again with this mess

Here are the levels of fuckery with this casting. This character is
Korean American

as shown in the picture above. But this character belongs in the MILES MORALES universe. He is Miles’ best friend. So you take an Asian character who is significant in the Black Latino Spiderman’s Universe and make him white? FOH.


Jesus CHRIST, Marvel. Get it together.

Marvel Casts Michael Barbieri as Ganke in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ | Inverse

When we talk about Latinx Representation we should ask ourselves, which Latinx? It’s interesting that, despite Jane the Virgin being about a Venezuelan family (played entirely by Puerto Rican actresses) and the Salazars on Fear the Walking Dead being Salvadorian (played by a Panamanian actor and a Swedish actress!), both stories are similar in that they are generically about “immigration.” But there’s nothing to make them specifically Venezuelan or specifically Salvadorian. Because to Hollywood, and to the average viewer, there’s no difference. Latinx are simply generic, interchangeable brownish people from that ever-nebulous part of the world that’s “South of the Border.” And don’t they all pretty much have the same story? Don’t they?

Teresa Jusino on recognizing the often-erased diversity of Latinx experiences on & off the screen (x)


Harry Potter actress Katie Leung: There aren’t many opportunities for east Asians in the arts.

The Scottish-born actress is probably best known as Cho Chang in the Harry Potter movie series.

“It would be really nice to play something closer to home,” she tells Newsbeat.

“[But] just because they have been race specific doesn’t mean that I’m playing this one-dimensional character.”

Katie says her roles have all been interesting and complex. 

“The challenge is being able to rid these stereotypes, so I’m not playing the submissive female who’s a victim, but somebody who is determined and fearless. (x)

What happens when a feminist show has only male writers?

hoosierbitch: cesperanza: mercwithamouth: Agent Carter. It’s been made pretty obvious, I think, that I love Agent Carter like the sun.  The show is well done with interesting characters and amazing actors and, you know, Marvel.  And I love that it’s a show that doesn’t hold back on the female point of view; I’ve seen a… Continue reading What happens when a feminist show has only male writers?


Big Hair, Don’t Care (2013)

“Lola has really really REALLY big hair, much bigger than the other kids at her school, but that doesn’t stop her from telling anyone who will listen just how much she LOVES her hair! It´s not always easy being a kid. 

Designed to boost self-esteem and build confidence, this beautifully illustrated picture book is aimed at boys and girls who may need a reminder from time to time that it’s okay to look different from the other kids at their school.“

Story: Crystal Swain-Bates, art: Megan Bair

Get it now here

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