
The thing I love most about this is that in the first gif, Steve clearly has no clue how to support someone, and Bucky is physically trying not to put all his weight on Steve. They just sort of ‘cling’, not yet use to their new dynamic but still in sync. And in the second gif they are just ‘yep, we got this down now’. *happy sigh*














Ok, why did Danny label this in big red letters and set it (not very hidden) in his desk drawer?

Headcanon at one point Danny just gave up hiding it when he realized he could literally wave a picket sign in front of his parents that read “IM DEAD” and they still wouldn’t see it.

Once he actually wore a shirt with the DP symbol on it, and his parents still didn’t notice.

He starts doing stuff to test just how far his parents not noticing can go. Jazz nearly has  a heart attack when Danny PHANTOM walks into the house dressed as Fenton, said hello to his parents, and then walked up to his room.

He got no response whatsoever other than a careless “how was school sweetie” from his mom, who hadn’t looked up from her blueprints.

But what if they knew and were waiting for him to tell them on his own (like Jazz) and just pretending to not notice. And when it started out they were just being gracious but then it sort of became a game as Danny would push his limits more and more and Jack and Maddie would just glance at each other and share this look of “no don’t say anything yet.” It gets to the point where Danny is sitting in his room in ghost form, pulling off a cheap black wig and staring at it in his lap in utter astonishment trying to figure out how they can possibly be missing this while Jack and Maddie are giggling about it over fudge in the kitchen.

And soon it spreads to more people too. Dash eventually figures it out. Then Kwan. Then Lancer.
Soon Danny has this club of people following him around, waiting for him to reveal himself even though its glaringly obvious.

AU of the entire series where everyone knows but they all pretend not to

Danny thinks everyone’s oblivious but it’s really just him. He’s the oblivious one.

This kind of makes me sad though.

Think about it, this kid who almost dies almost every episode, who thinks he’s alone in the universe and this AU that everybody know’s but doesn’t say anything is really depressing.

Everybody knows Danny is getting his ass handed to him and is getting seriously hurt but nobody says anything or tries to help.

Danny is forced to spend time with “uncle Vlad” who if people know Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom they’re gonna know who Vlad is, but back to the point. He’s forced to spend time with the man who is trying to kill his dad, basically kidnap him and raise him as his own and still his mom away.

Imagine it, Imagine Danny sitting in his room patching himself up from a battle crying to himself as he pulls glass out of his skin wanting to ask for help from his parents, wanting to tell them everything but is afraid that they’ll disown him or rip him “Molecule by molecule” All the while his parents are downstairs “knowing”.

Oh my god I feel so bad for even thinking this now! But now I can’t stop thinking about it! 

Don’t worry, this AU would be less hard on him.

Dash would go easy on him, knowing that this was a ghost he was dealing with.

Lancer let a few assignments slide and gave Fenton a higher grade then he actually got.

His parents taught him first aid and made sure the bathroom cabinet was always well stocked. Maybe even some of their own inventions that would heal a ghost faster.

Nah man worry.

I see Danny’s parents as being neglectful, willingly not acknowledging what they know because they’d rather not face having killed their son. Willingly shooting a little “friendly fire” at Phantom and still threatening the ghost that they know is their son because they’ve decided it’s easier to live without talking about the ghost in the room. Thinking “stocking the first aid kit” is good enough for “accidentally” hitting him in a fire fight.

Dash knowing and still bullying Danny Fenton because if he can be hurt, then he must be alive, he must still be human. This whole “Danny Phantom” thing means he’s dead. So Dash takes it upon himself to prove Danny Fenton is alive. He gets more brutal every time, trying to push the limits of what makes Danny human.

Lancer considering Danny’s ghostly habits to be an unnecessary extracurricular activity which is none of his business, and is super hard on him for missing class because “he could chose to be on time” but doesn’t show. 

Everyone knowing, but no one telling him, no one stopping to help him, all for their own reasons that they sum up to “what’s best for Danny” or “the greater good” or “they just didn’t want to get involved”.

Everyone knowing where those bruises come from and doing nothing about it.

No guys but can you imagine what would happen when Danny finally tells his parents?? Like it would take so much courage especially after years of them shooting at him and then they just say they’ve known the whole time? To Danny, it would basically sound like this:

“Oh yeah, of course we know you’re Phantom. We, your parents, have been knowingly creating dangerous weapons that could seriously harm you while being completely aware that the ghost we were shooting at was out son! But don’t worry! We stocked the first aid!“ 

 Just think how terrible that would be to hear. It would shatter all trust Danny had in his parents, because yeah, they accepted him, but they don’t see him as their son anymore, right? He’s no longer someone that they feel the need to protect because he’s their child. And on top of that, the entire town knows too? Everyone knows but nobody cares. 

 What would Danny do? Would he flip? Would he yell? Or would he just sit there in stunned silence, processing all of this slowly, letting their feeble excuses wash over him? Maybe he’d just up and walk away, slamming the door behind him. Maybe he’d transform into Phantom in the middle of the street, in plain sight of everyone because who even cares anymore, right? Maybe he’d just up and fly away and not come back for hours and hours and gosh this is such a sad AU.

I’m just gonna bet something like that happened after Phantom Planet

#Let’s make this post worse# there are like fifteen different versions of this stupid post now #I honestly just noticed that Danny was too fucking clueless and labeled something in bold letters #and somehow I got like 600 notes???? #how the FUCK did this happen? #but yeah, phantom planet would probably be bad #Danny would probably disappear off the face of the earth, and sooner or later everyone would realize what a huge mistake they made #but as the ghosts just keep on coming and the local ghost hunters are getting swamped #they realize that they have made a huge fucking mistake #That without their ghost boy they are doomed, #and sooner or later Jack dies from a weapon malfunction #and Maddie literally overworks herself to death #and suddenly they find themselves in the ghost zone #the very thing they always hated, cursed to live forever with their mistakes,and after some time #they look for their son, and he doesn’t recognize them, so he captures them because ghosts are ghosts #and then they become another thermos on the wall #the sleek metal that they designed their prison #and the thermos gets shoved behind others identical to it #forgotten in a sea of locked up ghosts #sorry that kinda escalated quickly #the shit I do for fun

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Queer is not a slur.

wetwareproblem: the-supreme-dromaeosaurid: gynoidgearhead: oudeteron: wetwareproblem: Not when used as a self-identification, and not when used as an umbrella term within the community, at least. See, here’s the thing: The most common identifier used by bi, pan, and trans people to describe their sexuality? Queer. Given that multiple studies have shown that bi people alone comprise… Continue reading Queer is not a slur.